︎ Philosophy of Place
I am comitted to the land and places of my local community - looking for ways to provide support and equity to individuals to invest in their community and actively support the ecology. I am particularly interested in placemaking, or more accurately re-placing, communities to better understand their role of stewardship and the history of the land for their mutual benefit and flourishing.
I recognise the indigeinous peoples (esp. Tualatin Kalapuya) who have been displaced of their land and livelihood, the subsequent internment and disloaction of Japanese Americans who had established farms, and the ecological destruction for farming profit in the Wapato Lake Valley where I now reside. [ source ]
I recognise the indigeinous peoples (esp. Tualatin Kalapuya) who have been displaced of their land and livelihood, the subsequent internment and disloaction of Japanese Americans who had established farms, and the ecological destruction for farming profit in the Wapato Lake Valley where I now reside. [ source ]

︎ Commitments
- sustainable and knowledgeable stewardship
- local sourcing and generosity
- land justice
- interdisciplinary practices of traditional and new forms of gardening
︎ Projects
Hill Walk
︎ Local
Eloheh Indigenous Center For Earth Justice
Mudbone Grown
Precious Plastic
George Fox Community Garden
Mustard Seed Farms Community Garden
Hillsboro Community Gardens + Resources
McMinville Community Garden
Mudbone Grown
Precious Plastic
George Fox Community Garden
Mustard Seed Farms Community Garden
Hillsboro Community Gardens + Resources
McMinville Community Garden